The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to simply as the Gita, is one of the most important texts in Indian philosophy and spirituality. It is part of the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic, and comprises 700 verses divided into 18 chapters. The Gita is presented as a dialogue between Lord Krishna, who serves as a charioteer and guide, and Arjuna, a warrior prince facing a moral dilemma on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
Key themes
Here are the central themes covered by the Gita:
Dharma (Duty): The Gita emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one’s duty (dharma) without being attached to the results. Arjuna’s struggle to reconcile his role as a warrior with his moral concerns forms the core of this teaching.
Yoga (Union and Discipline): The Gita outlines various paths of yoga (spiritual discipline) as ways to attain self-realization and liberation:
- Karma Yoga: The path of selfless action.
- Bhakti Yoga: The path of devotion and love for God.
- Jnana Yoga: The path of knowledge and wisdom.
- Raja Yoga: The path of meditation and self-control.
Detachment and Equanimity: Krishna advises Arjuna to act without attachment to outcomes, teaching the value of equanimity in success and failure.
Self-Realization and the Atman: The Gita explores the nature of the self (Atman), distinguishing it from the physical body and mind, and identifying it as eternal and indestructible.
Divine Guidance: Lord Krishna, as the manifestation of the Supreme Being (Brahman), imparts wisdom about the nature of the universe, the self, and the ultimate goal of life.
The Nature of Reality: The text delves into metaphysical concepts such as the three gunas (qualities of nature): sattva (purity), rajas (passion), and tamas (inertia), which influence human behavior and perception.
Structure of the Gita
Here are how the 18 chapters in the Gita are divided:
- Chapter 1: Arjuna’s Dilemma – Arjuna is conflicted about fighting in the war against his own family.
- Chapters 2-6: Karma Yoga – Krishna introduces the idea of selfless action.
- Chapters 7-12: Bhakti Yoga – Krishna emphasizes devotion and surrender to the Divine.
- Chapters 13-18: Jnana Yoga and Liberation – Philosophical teachings about the nature of reality and the path to liberation.
Relevance Today
The Gita’s teachings on duty, resilience, and mindfulness remain relevant in personal and professional contexts, offering insights into ethical decision-making, stress management, and purpose-driven living. Below is what Swami Chinmayananda says about Bhagavad Gita.
[Excerpts from commentaries, letters and articles written by Swami Chinmayananda]
Unique Nature of Geeta
BHAGAVAD GEETA is an enchanting impossibility; it is at once a SCIENCE and a PHILOSOPHY, and yet, strangely enough, it is neither a scientific philosophy nor a philosophical science. In its eighteen chapters, it explains a PHILOSOPHY-of-LIVING, and while doing so, it expounds and demonstrates the SCIENCE-of-LIVING.
When a perfect combination of both SCIENCE and PHILOSOPHY is sung to the “melody of perfection” that KRISHNA was, we have this piece of work – the BHAGAVAD GEETA – an appeal both to the head and to the heart — the secret charm of the Lord’s Song that had enthralled generations, from the day of its production!
Artistic Beauty
GEETA is a PIECE OF ART of strange beauty, and it stands apart from everything else in a class all by itself. It is liquid poetry, expounding solid philosophy! In the fluidity of its metre, it crystallizes some of the rarest gems of moral and spiritual values. Its breezy discourses have a solid style.
The fluidity of its eloquence falls like merciful rain upon every broken personality, making it whole with its magic touch. It is not a book of science, yet it is very scientific in its approach to the theme. It does not have the airy nothingness of the familiar philosophical discourses, yet all philosophies seem to meet within its ample stretch. An inviting Art of Divine Beauty — every word in it is a detail, at once revealing and inspiring. The pause between the verses is not merely an inevitable blank period of literary necessity but something suggesting a hidden truth!
Practical Philosophy
The philosophy of the Geeta is indeed a shade more marvellous and wonderful than all other philosophies because, by its very touch, it revived Arjuna’s blasted personality into a DYNAMIC WHOLE. Because of this practical demonstration of its powers to bless man, the GEETA Philosophy has acquired the marvellous lustre of the rare!!
The PHILOSOPHY of the Geeta reveals to us the glorious purpose in life, inspires and thrills the thinking aspect in man, and the VISION of the smiling Lord of Vrindavan “behind” every name and form, “beneath” every experience, “under” every situation, adds a life-giving joy and maddening ecstasy to the drunken heart of love!!
The originality of the GEETA is not “in what” it says but “in how” it states. Krishna’s call is the divine call to man to discard his melancholy dejections in the face of life’s challenges and come forward to play out his best “the game of life” with a firm determination to strive and to win.
Geeta’s Vision for Life
Can Geeta help us? Has the Lord’s Song any solution to revive the people and the life in this country? Can Geeta’s way of life sweep clean the cobwebs in our minds and inaugurate an era of decent, civilized, disciplined living? Can Geeta make us fit to live a creative life of wealth production and set us firmly on the road to prosperity and self-sufficiency? Has Geeta anything to give us in our present dire situation?….you need not despair. Our BHAGAVAD GEETA has the remedy! Geeta is an exposition that evaluates your place in the scheme of your world.
To the intelligent, the discourse of Lord Krishna contains enough pointers to chalk out one’s own dynamic way of life. After listening to the study sessions, who can still dare remain in his old, ineffectual thoughts and pursue his unproductive actions? Come! Help us to help you!! You need the solace of the GEETA to comfort and pacify your mental tensions and intellectual throbs. Give yourself a chance to discover peace and efficiency in life through a re-education of your personality. You need our help! And we need your help! Come. Let us change for better performance and achievement!!
Geeta, like a mirror, reflects the inner quality of the student who reads her. If the student be intellectually preoccupied with any idea, he will find that idea behind every verse in the Geeta. This is the quality of all true scriptures. We can see the beauty of the Geeta only to the extent we have removed the mental dross in ourselves. To the pure in mind alone, is the spiritual science revealed.
Ideal Way of Life
Bhagavad Geeta gives you the method to seek SUFFICIENCY in order to give your best to society. We must discover EFFICIENCY in ourselves. Geeta gives you the method to seek SUFFICIENCY and, consequently, EFFICIENCY in all your functions.
Materialism and Spiritual Life—a happy blending of both seems to be the remedy—the ideal way of life prescribed by the philosophy of the GEETA. Cultured men striving to fulfil a Nation’s destiny can inaugurate an era of plenty, prosperity, and peace. The BHAGAVAD GEETA unfolds this scheme!
Fountainhead of Inspiration
The Geeta is an infinite fountainhead of inspiration and thrilled joy. It provides our minds with a systematic scheme of re-education, helping us discover a secret power in ourselves to tackle intelligently the chaotic happenings around us, which constitute our world of challenges. The Geeta-educated man learns to recognize a rhythm, to see beauty, and to hear a song in life—a life that was until then a mad death-dance of appearances and disappearances of things and beings.
Religion of Action
The religion of GEETA ushers mankind to a wider field of perfections, which can be made available even while we are sweating and toiling at our allotted posts of duty. All through the GEETA, we find brilliant strokes of the unforgettable picture of a mighty Man of Knowledge in the driver’s seat on a chariot, philosophically refilling a “flattened” mortal to brace up and face the road to success again! Never does GEETA, at any point in its length, encourage man’s surrender to circumstances or even to his own present debilities and incompetencies.
The concluding word of the Geeta is: “my” (mama), and the opening word in the Geeta is: “Dharma”. The seven-hundred-stanzas are strung together between these two words as a garland of immortal beauty. And so, the meaning of the Geeta is “MY DHARMA” (Mama Dharma). Geeta explains the “nature of man — my dharma” and the “nature of Truth — MY DHARMA” and how True Life starts when these two are harmonized together and comes to play in one single individual.
Divine Song for Every Devotee
The picture of Lord Krishna, the Yogeswarah, and Arjuna, the Dhanurdharah, completes the symbolism of a way of life. Reinforced with spiritual understanding, man gets ready to exert and pour in his endeavours to tame life and master prosperity. In such a case, no power can stop him from all success.
Lord Krishna, through His Song Divine, treats the shattered personality of his student and rehabilitates his personality with a new-found determination to act and to fulfil his duties towards the community. This rehabilitation process is the theme of the BHAGAVAD GEETA, and in our National Revival, we shall need no other knowledge so urgently as this great secret technique. The importance of this great Divine Song is in the rebuilding of our Nation, in the rediscovery of the Bharateeya Culture, and in the ultimate development and growth of our young nation. Hence, the GEETA is a scripture for the nation’s teenagers.
Geeta is a book on life, and life is NOT a book. Therefore, read and come to live the Geeta way of life. In the Geeta-way-of-life, problems are nil. The act of understanding himself as different from his matter-vestures is man’s highest Art – the Art of Unveiling the Infinite through the finite. The technique of this ART is the theme of the GEETA! See the difference it brings to your inner personality and the outer world around you.
GEETA is the Lord’s own SONG, sung to revive His devotees. GEETA sings its song directly to us! The Geeta serves us!!