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Samasta Jana Kalyāṇe

samasta jana kalyāṇe   समस्त जन कल्याणे  

समस्त-जन-कल्याणे निरतं करुणामयम् ।
नमामि चिन्मयं देवं सद्गुरुं ब्रह्मविद्वरम् ॥

Samasta-jana-kalyāṇe nirataṁ karuṇāmayam |
namāmi cinmayaṁ devaṁ sadguruṁ brahmavidvaram ||

I salute Sri Chinmaya, the noble Guru, the best of the knowers of Brahman (the highest Reality), who is full of compassion and ever engaged for the welfare of all people.