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Vaidika Aarati

ॐ रा॒जा॒धि॒रा॒जाय॑ प्रसह्य सा॒हिने᳚ । नमो॑ व॒यं-वै᳚श्रव॒णाय॑ कुर्महे ।
स मे॒ कामा॒न्काम॒कामा॑य॒ मह्यम्᳚ । का॒मे॒श्व॒रो वै᳚श्रव॒णो द॑दातु ।
कु॒बे॒राय॑ वैश्रव॒णाय॑ । म॒हा॒रा॒जाय॒ नमः॑ ।

om rā̲jā̲dhi̱rā̲jāya̍ prasahya sā̲hine̎ | namo̍ va̲yaṁ vai̎śrava̲ṇāya̍ kurmahe |
sa me̲ kāmā̲nkāma̲kāmā̍ya̲ mahyam̎ | kā̲me̲śva̲ro vai̎śrava̲ṇo da̍dātu |
ku̲be̲rāya̍ vaiśrava̲ṇāya̍ | ma̲hā̲rā̲jāya̲ nama̍ḥ |

Om, may we salute the king of kings, forceful remover (of life) and the Lord of wealth. May the god of desire and Lord of wealth, give me wealth I cherish intensely. I salute him, the great king.

ॐ न कर्म॑णा न प्र॒जया॒ धने॑न॒ त्यागे॑नैके अमृत॒त्वमा॑न॒शुः ।
परे॑ण॒ नाकं॒ निहि॑तं॒ गुहा॑यां वि॒भ्राजदे॒तद्यत॑यो वि॒शन्ति॑ ॥
वे॒दा॒न्त॒-वि॒ज्ञान॒-सुनि॑श्चिता॒र्थास्संन्या॑स यो॒गाद्यत॑यश्शुद्ध॒सत्त्वाः᳚ ।
ते ब्र॑ह्मलो॒के तु॒ परा᳚न्तकाले॒ परा॑मृता॒त्परि॑मुच्यन्ति॒ सर्वे᳚ ॥
द॒ह्रं॒ वि॒पा॒पं प॒रमे᳚ऽश्मभूतं॒ यत्पु॑ण्डरी॒कं पु॒रम॑ध्यस॒ग्ग्॒स्थम् ।
त॒त्रा॒पि॒ द॒ह्रं ग॒गनं॑ विशोक॒स्तस्मि॑न् यद॒न्तस्तदुपा॑सित॒व्यम् ॥
यो वेदादौ स्व॑रः प्रो॒क्तो॒ वे॒दान्ते॑ च प्र॒तिष्ठि॑तः ।
तस्य॑ प्र॒कृति॑-लीन॒स्य॒ यः॒ पर॑स्स म॒हेश्व॑रः ॥


om na karma̍ṇā na pra̲jayā̲ dhane̍na̲ tyāge̍naike amṛta̲tvamā̍na̲śuḥ |
pare̍ṇa̲ nāka̲ṁ nihi̍ta̲ṁ guhā̍yāṁ vi̱bhrājade̲tadyata̍yo vi̱śanti̍ ||
ve̲dā̲nta̲-vi̱jñāna̲-suni̍ścitā̲rthāḥ saṁnyā̍sayo̲gādyata̍yaḥ śuddha̲sattvā̎ḥ |
te bra̍hmalo̲ke tu̲ para̎ntakāle̲ parā̍mṛtā̲tpari̍mucyanti̱ sarve̎||
da̲hra̲ṁ vi̱pā̲paṁ pa̲rame̎śmabhūta̲ṁ yatpu̍ṇḍarī̱kaṁ pu̲rama̍dhyasa̲ggstham |
ta̲trā̲pi̱ da̲hraṁ ga̲gana̍ṁ viśoka̲stasmi̍n yada̲ntastadupā̍sita̲vyam ||
yo vedādau sva̍raḥ pro̲kto̲ ve̲dānte̍ ca pra̲tiṣṭhi̍taḥ |
tasya̍ pra̲kṛti̍-līna̲sya̲ ya̲ḥ para̍ssa ma̲heśva̍raḥ ||

Not by action, nor by progeny or wealth, but by renunciation alone have people attained immortality. That which the self-controlled attain is beyond the heaven, yet it shines brilliantly in the intellect. Those who have firm understanding of the knowledge taught by Vedanta, who make proper effort through renunciation, who are of pure mind, they being themselves that which is immortal and supreme, are all totally liberated in Brahman at the time of dissolution of the body. In the city of the body is the small, sinless lotus of the heart, the intellect, which is the abode of the Supreme. There, in the intellect, Brahman that is free of all sorrow is to be meditated upon. Beyond the syllable OM that is uttered at the beginning of the Vedas, that is well-established in the Upanishads, and that is resolved in the causal principal (during meditation), is Brahman, the Supreme Lord.

न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न च॑न्द्र-ता॒र॒कं
नेमा विद्युतो भान्ति कुतो॑ऽयम॒ग्निः॑ ।
तमेव भान्तं अनुभा॑ति स॒र्वम्
तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं॑ विभा॒ति ॥

ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑॥

na tatra suryo bhāti na ca̍ndra-tā̲ra̲kam
nemā vidyuto bhānti kuto̍yama̲gni̍ḥ |
tameva bhāntam anubhā̍ti sa̲rvam
tasya bhāsā sarvamida̍m vibhā̲ti ||

There the sun does not shine, nor does the moon, nor the stars. There this lightening does not shine; what to talk of this fire. That alone is (ever) shining, all (else) shine after IT (Him reflecting His glory); By the light of THAT (alone), this whole world is illumined..


ॐ श्री सद्गुरुनाथ महाराजकी जय

om śrī sadgurunātha mahārājakī jaya

Glories to the Venerable, Divine Guru of the Gurus


om śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||