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Daily Prayers

Early morning

प्रातः काले (prātah kale) :

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः करमूले सरस्वती।
करमध्ये तु गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम् ॥ 

karāgre vasate lakṣmīḥ karamūle sarasvatī |
karamadhye tu govindaḥ prabhāte karadarśanam ||

On the tip of your fingers is Goddess Lakshmi, on the base of your fingers is Goddess Sarasvati in the middle of your fingers is Lord Govinda — in this manner you look at your palms.***

नमोऽस्त्वनन्ताय सहस्रमूर्तये सहस्रपादाक्षिशिरोरुबाहवे ।
सहस्रनाम्ने पुरुषाय शाश्वते सहस्रकोटियुगधारिणे नमः ॥

namo’stvanantāya sahasramūrtaye sahasrapādākṣiśirorubāhave |
sahasranāmne puruṣāya śāśvate sahasrakotiyugadhāriṇe namaḥ ||

Salutations to the infinite eternal Self, who is in different names and forms having thousands of eyes, heads, legs and hands and who is the supporter of all the ages.

Before studies

अध्ययनात् प्राक् (adhyayanāt prāk) :

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणी । विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥

sarasvati namastubhyam varade kamarūpiṇi |
vidyārambham kariṣyāmi siddhirbhavatu me sadā ||

O Goddess Sarasvati, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that Thou wilt bestow Thy blessings on me.

During showing lamp to the Lord

दीपदर्शने (dipadarśane):

शुभं करोति कल्याणम् आरोग्यं धनसंपदः ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

śubham karoti kalyāṇam ārogyam dhanasampadaḥ |
śatrubuddhivināśāyā dīpajyotirnamo’stute ||

I prostrate to that lamp-light, which brings the brilliance, the auspiciousness, the health, the wealth and possessions, for the destruction of (my) bad ( enemy to Good) intellect.

Before going to sleep, asking for forgiveness

शयनसमये क्षमापणम् (śayanasamaye ksamāpanam) :

करचरणकृतं वाक् कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वाऽपराधम् । विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत् क्षमस्व जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शंभो ॥

karacaraṇakṛtam vāk kāyajaṁ karmajam vā
śravananayanajaṁ vā mānasaṁ vā’parādham |
vihitamavihitam vā sarvametat kṣamasva
jaya jaya karuṇābdhe śrimahādeva sambho ||

O Lord, kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hands, feet, speech) or through my organs of perceptions (ears, eyes) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee O Lord, who is the ocean of kindness.

During Bath

स्नान समये (snāna samaye) :

गङ्गे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वति ।
नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरि जलेऽस्मिन् सन्निधिं कुरु ॥

gange ca yamune caiva godāvari sarasvati |
narmade sindhu kāveri jale’smin sannidhim kuru ||

I take a bath in this water, which is the water from all holy rivers such as the Ganges, the Yamuna, Godavari and Saraswathi.

Before doing any work

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरुमे देव सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा ॥

vakratuṇḍa mahākāya suryakoṭi samaprabha |
nirvighnam kurume deva sarva-kāryeṣu sarvadā ||

Oh Lord with curved trunk, huge body, brilliance equal to millions of Suns, Please make my endeavors free from obstacles at all times.

Before Meals

भोजनात् प्राक् (bhojanät prāk) :

यज्ञशिष्टाशिनः सन्तः मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषैः ।
भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् ॥३.१३ ॥

yajñaśiṣṭāśinaḥ santaḥ mucyante sarvakilbiṣaiḥ |
bhuñjate te tvagham pāpā ye pacantyātmakāraṇāt || 3.13 ।।

The noble people get rid of all the sins by taking the remnants of the sacrifice, but others commit sin by enjoying for themselves.

अहं वैश्वानरो भूत्वा प्राणिनां देहमाश्रितः ।
प्राणापानसमायुक्तः पचाम्यन्नं चतुर्विधम् ॥ १५.१४ ॥

aham vaiśvānaro bhūtvā prāṇināṁ dehamāśritaḥ |
prāṇāpānasamāyuktaḥ pacāmyannam caturvidham || 15.14।।

As the digestive fire in the human body, I (Lord) digests the four kinds of food by combining with incoming (Prana) and
outgoing ( Apana ) vital air.


ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविः ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम् ।
ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना ॥४.२४॥

brahmārpaṇam brahma haviḥ brahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutam।brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarmasamādhinā || 4.24॥

The ladle is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman. The offering is poured by Brahman in the fire of Brahman. Brahman alone is to be reached by him who sees Brahman in all actions.