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Bhadram Karnebhih

ॐ  भ॒द्रं कर्णे॑भिः शृणु॒याम॑ देवाः । भ॒द्रं प॑श्येमा॒क्षभि॒र्यज॑त्राः । स्थि॒रैरङ्गै᳚स्तुष्टु॒वाग्ंस॑स्त॒नूभिः॑ ।
व्यशे॑म दे॒वहि॑तं॒ यदायुः॑ ॥ स्व॒स्ति न॒ इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒द्धश्र॑वाः । स्व॑स्ति नः॑ पू॒षा वि॒श्ववे॑दाः ।
स्व॒॒स्तिन॒स्तार्क्ष्यो॒ अरि॑ष्टनेमिः । स्व॒स्ति नो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्दधातु ॥
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥

om bha̲draṁ karṇe̍bhiḥ śṛṇu̲yāma̍ devāḥ | bha̲draṁ pa̍śyemā̲kṣabhi̱ryaja̍trāḥ | sthi̱rairaṅgai̎stuṣṭu̠vāgṁsa̍sta̲nūbhi̍ḥ | vyaśe̍ma de̲vahi̍ta̲ṁ yadāyu̍ḥ || sva̲sti na̲ indro̍ vṛ̲ddhaśra̍vāḥ | sva̲̍sti na̍ḥ pū̲ṣā vi̱śvave̍dāḥ |sva̲stina̲stārkṣyo̲ ari̍ṣṭanemiḥ | sva̲sti no̲ bṛha̲spati̍rdadhātu ||  om śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||

Aum! O gods, may we hear auspicious words with the ears;
While engaged in yagnas,
May we see auspicious things with the eyes;
While praising the gods with steady limbs,
May we enjoy a life that is beneficial to the gods.
May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us;
May the supremely rich (or all-knowing) Pusa (god of the earth)
Be propitious to us;
May Garuda, the destroyer of evil,
Be well disposed towards us;
May Brihaspati ensure our welfare.
Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!