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Namaste Śārade Devi

sarasvatī stotram / śāradā stotram / namaste śārade devi
सरस्वती स्तोत्रं  /  शारदा स्तोत्रं / नमस्ते शारदे देवि

नमस्ते शारदे देवि काश्मीर-पुर-वासिनी ।
त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं विद्या-दानं च देहि मे ॥१॥

namaste śārade devi kāśmīra-pura-vāsinī |
tvāmahaṁ prārthaye nityam vidyā-dānaṁ ca dehi me ||1||

Obeisance to Thee, O effulgent Sarada, worshipped in the City of Kashmir, I always beseech Thee to vouchsafe to me Pure Knowledge.

या श्रद्धा धारणा मेधा वाग्-देवी विधि-वल्लाभा ।
भक्त-जिह्वाग्र-सदना शमादि-गुण-दायिनी ॥२ ॥

yā śraddhā dhāraṇā medhā vāg-devī vidhi-vallabhā |
bhakta-jihvāgra sadanā śamādi-guṇa-dāyinī ||2||

You are faith, memory, intelligence, the divinity of speech, the Spouse of Creator, Brahma. You grace the devotees’ speech, You are the bestower of inner peace, and all other excellences.

नमामि यामिनीं नाथ-लेखालन्कृत-कुन्तलां ।
भवानीं भव-सन्ताप निर्वापण सुधा-नदीम् ॥३ ॥

namāmi yāminīm nātha-lekhālankṛta kuntalām |
bhavānīṁ bhava-santāpa-nirvāpaṇa sudhā-nadīm ||3||

I bow down to Bhavani who is decorated with ear ornament studded with the flash of lightning, who is a river of nectar that cures the torments of worldly life.

भद्रकाल्यै नमो नित्यं सरस्वत्यै नमो नमः ।
वेद-वेदाङ्ग-वेदान्त-विद्या-स्थानेभ्य एव च ॥४ ॥

bhadrakālyai namo nityam sarasvatyai namo namaḥ |
veda-vedānga-vedānta-vidyā-sthānebhya eva ca ||4||

Constant Salutations to Thee, O Mother Beneficent! You are the home of the Vedas and the auxiliary branches of the Veda, of the Vedanta and all other forms of learning. Salutations to You, O Goddess of Learning.

ब्रह्म-स्वरूपा परमा ज्योति-रूपा सनातनी ।
सर्व-विद्यादि-देवी या तस्यै वाण्यै नमो नमः ॥५ ॥

brahma-svarūpā paramā jyoti-rūpā sanātanī |
sarva-vidyādhi-devī yā tasyai vāṇyai namo namaḥ ||5||

O Mother, You are the personification of Brahman. You are the Supreme Spirit, the light Divine, the Eternal Being. You are the Presiding Deity in all branches of learning. Salutations to You, O Goddess of Learning.

यया विना जगत्-सर्वं शश्वज्जीवन्-मृतं भवेत् ।
ज्ञानाधि-देवी या तस्यै सरस्वत्यै नमो नमः ॥६ ॥

yayā vinā jagat-sarvaṁ śaśvajjīvan-mṛtaṁ bhavet |
jñānādhi-devī yā tasyai sarasvatyai namo namaḥ ||6||

Without You the whole world would appear lifeless. You are the Presiding Deity of Knowledge. Salutations to You, O Goddess of Learning.

या विना जगत्-सर्वं मूकमुन्मत्तवत् सदा ।
या देवी वागधिष्ठात्री तस्यै वाण्यै नमो नमः ॥ ७॥

yayā vinā jagat-sarvaṁ mūkamunmattavat sadā |
yā devī vāg-adhiṣṭhātrī tasyai vāṇyai namo namaḥ ||7||

Without You the whole world would be mute (unable to speak) and demented. You are the Presiding Deity of Speech. Salutations to You, O Goddess of Speech.