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Ganesha Atharvashirsham

The Ganesha Atharvashirsha is part of the Atharvaveda, dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the deity of wisdom and intellect. It invokes Lord Ganesha’s blessings for success, protection, and spiritual progress. 

Oṃ bhadraṃ karṇe’bhiḥ śṛṇuyāma’ devāḥ |
bhadraṃ pa’śyemākśhabhiryaja’trāḥ |
sthirairaṅgai”stuśhṭhuvāg/ṃ sa’stanūbhi’ḥ |
vyaśe’ma devahi’taṃ yadāyu’ḥ |

May all we hear, see and speak be auspicious, may we enjoy good health and spend our life in good work.

svasti na indro’ vṛddhaśra’vāḥ |
svasti na’ḥ pūśhā viśvave’dāḥ |
svasti nastārkśhyo ari’śhṭanemiḥ |
svasti no bṛhaspati’rdadhātu ||

May all the Lords – Indra, Pushan, Tarksya and Brihaspati – grant us well-being.

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śānti’ḥ ||

May we attain peace at all levels – physical, divine, and spiritual.

oṃ nama’ste gaṇapa’taye ||
tvameva pratyakśhaṃ tattva’masi |
tvameva kevalaṃ kartā”si |
tvameva kevalaṃ dhartā”si |
tvameva kevalaṃ hartā”si |
tvameva sarvaṃ khalvida’ṃ brahmāsi |
tvaṃ sākśhādātmā”si nityam ||
ṛ’taṃ vachmi | sa’tyaṃ vachmi ||

Salutations to Lord Ganapati – the creator, sustainer, destroyer, Brahman and Atman – the physical and eternal consciousness and Reality, the endless and Absolute Truth.

ava tvaṃ mām |
ava’ vaktāram” |
ava’ śrotāram” |
ava’ dātāram” |
ava’ dhātāram” |
avānūchānama’va śiśhyam |
ava’ paśchāttā”t |
ava’ purastā”t |
avottarāttā”t |
ava’ dakśhiṇāttā”t |
ava’ chordhvāttā”t |
avādharāttā”t |
sarvato māṃ pāhi pāhi’ samantāt || 

May Lord Ganesha protect those people who declare this Absolute Truth – the student, teacher, listener, speaker, giver, and sustainer – from all directions and sides.

tvaṃ vāṅmaya’stvaṃ chinmayaḥ |
tvamānandamaya’stvaṃ brahmamayaḥ |
tvaṃ sachchidānandā’dvi’tīyo’si |
tvaṃ pratyakśhaṃ brahmā’si |
tvaṃ GYānamayo viGYāna’mayo’si ||

You, Lord Ganesha, are bliss, knowledge, and consciousness. Those who realize it will attain these qualities.

sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tva’tto jāyate |
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tva’ttastiśhṭhati |
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi laya’meśhyati |
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi’ pratyeti |
tvaṃ bhūmirāpoanaloani’lo nabhaḥ |
tvaṃ chatvāri vā”kpadāni |

You are the entire universe, and the power that sustains it, manifesting as the elements – earth, water, fire, wind and sky. 

vaṃ guṇatra’yātītaḥ |
tvaṃ avasthātra’yātītaḥ |
tvaṃ dehatra’yātītaḥ |
tvaṃ kālatra’yātītaḥ |
tvaṃ mūlādhārasthito”si nityam |
tvaṃ śaktitra’yātmakaḥ |
tvāṃ yogino dhyāya’nti nityam |

tvaṃ brahmā
tvaṃ viśhṇustvaṃ
vāyustvaṃ sūryastvaṃ chandramāstvaṃ
brahma bhūrbhuvaḥ svarom ||

You, Lord Ganesha, transcend all three states of consciousness (waking, dreaming, deep sleep), bodies, (casual, subtle and gross), gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), time (past, present and future), and worlds (Bhuh, Bhuvah and Suvah). 

gaṇādiṃ” pūrva’muchchārya varṇādī”ṃ stadanantaram |
anusvāraḥ pa’rataraḥ |
ardhe”ndulasitam |
tāre’ṇa ṛddham |
etattava manu’svarūpam |

gakāraḥ pū”rvarūpam |
akāro madhya’marūpam |
anusvāraśchā”ntyarūpam |
bindurutta’rarūpam |
nāda’ḥ sandhānam |
sagṃhi’tā sandhiḥ |

saiśhā gaṇe’śavidyā |
gaṇa’ka ṛśhiḥ |
nichṛdgāya’trīcChandaḥ |
śrī mahāgaṇapati’rdevatā |
oṃ gaṃ gaṇapa’taye namaḥ ||

The mantra swarupa (form) to invoke Lord Ganesha is ‘Om Gang Ganapataye Namah’. By worshipping Lord Ganesha, the Absolute Truth, we learn the Ganesha Vidya or the knowledge of the self through worship of the Lord. 

ekadantāya’ vidmahe’ vakratuṇḍāya’ dhīmahi |
tanno’ dantiḥ prachodayā”t || 

Meditating on the one-tusked Lord Ganesha will help us get absorbed in his conscious form. 

ekadantaṃ cha’turahastaṃ pāśama’ṅkuśadhāri’ṇam |
rada’ṃ cha vara’daṃ hastairbibhrāṇa’ṃ mūśhakadhva’jam|
rakta’ṃ lamboda’raṃ śūrpakarṇaka’ṃ raktavāsa’sam |
rakta’gandhānu’liptāṅgaṃ raktapu’śhpaiḥ supūji’tam | 

We offer salutations to the divine form of Lord Ganesha, whose physical appearance is described. 

bhaktā’nukampi’naṃ devaṃ jagatkā’raṇamachyu’tam |
āvi’rbhūtaṃ cha’ sṛśhṭyādau prakṛte”ḥ puruśhātpa’ram |
eva’ṃ dhyāyati’ yo nityaṃ sa yogī’ yogināṃ va’raḥ ||

Those who meditate on Lord Ganesha as the eternal and Supreme Being, acknowledging him as the creator are the best of the yogis.

namo vrātapataye
namo gaṇapataye
namaḥ pramathapataye
namasteastu lambodarāyaekadantāya
vighnavināśine śivasutāya śrīvaradamūrtaye namo namaḥ ||

Salutations to the Universal Lord who grants boons and removes obstacles.

om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ