न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न च॑न्द्र–ता॒र॒कं
नेमा विद्युतो भान्ति कुतो॑ऽयम॒ग्निः॑ ।
तमेव भान्तं अनुभा॑ति स॒र्वम्
तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं॑ विभा॒ति ॥
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑॥
na tatra suryo bhāti na ca̍ndra-tā̲ra̲kam
nemā vidyuto bhānti kuto̍yama̲gni̍ḥ |
tameva bhāntam anubhā̍ti sa̲rvam
tasya bhāsā sarvamida̍m vibhā̲ti ||
om śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||
Neither does the sun shine there, nor the moon with all the stars, nor does the lightning shine. What to say of this fire? Everything shines after him who alone shines. By His light all this shines variously.